Offering afforable boutique-style clothing and accessories for women and children.
Location: 64 Public Square, Elkton, KY
Phone 270.604.8051
Hours: 10-5, Mon-Sat
Facebook Page: Sweet Caroline’s Boutique Facebook
Offering afforable boutique-style clothing and accessories for women and children.
Location: 64 Public Square, Elkton, KY
Phone 270.604.8051
Hours: 10-5, Mon-Sat
Facebook Page: Sweet Caroline’s Boutique Facebook
Large showroom of indoor & outdoor lighting, table/floor lamps, ceiling fans, mirrors, clocks, accents, fountains and more. 2200 W. Jefferson... read more
Specializing in quality antique furniture and unique collectibles. Three buildings full of all kinds of furniture. 507 E. Main StElkton,... read more
Handmade braided rugs and accessories, including placemats, chair pads, trivets, stair treads and baskets. 1480 E. Jefferson Davis HwyElkton, KY 270-265-3430 Website: www.hearthandhomerugs.com read more
Bulk food items, spices, gluten-free products, kitchenware, Rada cutlery, cheese, sausages, grass-fed beef, J and D Country Milk and... read more
Full line saddle shop including repairs, saddle pads, headstalls, bits, spurs, leather conditioners, breast collars. New saddles, used saddles... read more
44 PUBLIC SQUARE, ELKTON270.265.7221WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/LRSODASHOPHOURS: 8-7, MON-THU; 8-9, FRI-SAT Banana splits, sundaes, milkshakes and more than 30 flavors of ice cream,... read more
Handmade quilts, quilting services, fabric and quilting supplies. LOCATION: 10837 JEFFERSON DAVIS HIGHWAY, PEMBROKE, KY (1 BLOCK WEST OF JEFFERSON... read more
Located on Historic Public Square, Something Special offers many unique gifts and décor. Products include Woodwick and Kringle Candles.... read more
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Kelli Penick is the owner/operator of Twin Pond Outdoors in Guthrie. She has been selling wood pellet grills and outdoor living areas since 2015. In addition to being a chamber member, she serves as the board secretary and on the events committee. She also serves on Farm Credit and Pennyrile Electric committees. Kelli currently serves at the Todd County Chamber Board Secretary.
Jill Collins is the Director of the Pennyrile Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living for the Pennyrile Area Development District. Jill is a graduate of Morehead State University and is a licensed social worker. She serves on various committees and boards at the local, state and national level. She also serves as the Social Work Consultant for Collins Law where she directs consultations and resource assessments for clients seeking Elder Law Planning services. She assists with identifying long term care resources to support social determinants of health. Jill lives in Todd County with her husband Mark and is a member of Elkton Baptist Church.
Anita Jo Powell is Executive Director of Blount Rural Health Center. She is a Registered Nurse and Certified Rural Health Clinic Professional. Powell has worked in health care administration for two decades with responsibilities over finance, human resources, quality assurance/risk management, marketing, and project management. She serves on the Hopkinsville Community College Advisory Board of Nursing, a member of the Champions Against Drugs Coalition, is active in her church, and is a Rotarian, having previously served as president of the Rotary Club of Elkton. Powell served as the President of the Chamber’s initial board of directors, 2018-2019.
Jen Harris is the Public Health Director for Todd County Health Department. She began her career in Public Health in 2000 as a health educator and has also working as a marketing specialist for a statewide nutrition program. She received her BA in Education in 1998, with an emphasis in Exercise Science, from the University of Kentucky; she received her MS in Public and Community Health in 2001 from Austin Peay State University. In addition to serving on the Chamber board, she serves as the western Kentucky representative for the Kentucky Health Department Association and was KHDA’s 2015-17 Legislative Chair. Jen was the Todd County Chamber President for the year 2000.
Executive Director since 2020.
Tonya West
Mitzi Page is owner of the Purple Daizi Day Spa and Salon. A small business owner since 2012, she has been in the beauty industry for 19 years. In addition to serving as Chamber President and previously as Vice President and Treasurer, Page serves on numerous committees and was named Chamber Volunteer of the Year in 2019.
Rhonda Caughlin Werner is Recruiter for Ag1Source, a nationally-based agricultural recruiting firm – a position she has held since 2007. She is a graduate of Murray State University with a degree in Agronomy. Werner has served on the Board and as Chair for the Agribusiness Association of Kentucky and on the board of the Certified Crop Advisors of Kentucky Board of Directors Locally,she is a Rotarian and served previously as president of the Rotary Club of Elkton, chairs the Republican Party of Todd County and is Leader of Girl Scout Troop 119.
Christy Stokes is the Todd County Market President for United Southern Bank. She has been with the bank since 1998 and serves on the bank’s Senior Loan Committee, Compliance Committee and ALCO Committee. She is active in the community and her church, as well as volunteering her time with many local children’s groups including football, cheerleading and dance teams.
Camille Dillingham is assistant superintendent for Todd County Schools. She previously served as principal at South Todd Elementary School and has worked in the school system 26 years. Dillingham served as the initial board secretary for the Todd Chamber and serves on the Petrie Memorial United Methodist Church Administrative Council. She also enjoys gardening.
Stefanie Sharp is a commercial interior designer with JKS Architecture. She received her BA in Interior Design from the University of Kentucky in 2002. After an apprenticeship she earned her license as a Certified Interior Designer. She practiced interior design in Washington DC for 7 years and then returned to Todd County to join the family business in 2009. In addition to serving on the Chamber board, she serves on the Code Enforcement Board for the City of Elkton, is a member of the International Interior Design Association, is a past Chairman of Relay for Life in Todd County and is active in her local church.
Kim Mansfield
Kelvin DeBerry is a licensed realtor and auctioneer affiliated with Bolinger Real Estate & Auction. In addition to serving on the Chamber board, he is a 4-H Adult Leader and serves on the West Kentucky 4-H Camp Improvement Committee. DeBerry serves on the Todd County Tech Center Steering Committee, as Archery Coach for Adairville Elementary School, and on the Todd County Central High School Hall of Fame Selection Board.